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 '04 Falls Road Golf Net Ladder
 '04 Ladder Handicap

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Hsu75 Posted - 05/17/2004 : 10:09:31

                ----May----  -----June-----  -----July-----  ------August------  ---September---  -----October-----  ---November---  -December-
----Name----     2   24  31   6  13  20  27   5  11  18  25   1   8  15  22  29   6  12  19  26   3  10  17  24  31   7  14  21  28   5  11
------------- (USCGA)

Chao, Paul   -- 20 . 20..23..23..23..21..22..22..22..22..22..22..22..22..22..22..22..22..22..22..22..23..23..23..24..25..25..25..25..25..25
Chen, Jeff   -- 16 . 16..16..16..16..17..16..16..16..16..16..16..16..16..16..16..16..16..16..15..16..16..16..16..15..16..16..16..16..16..16
Chen, Lily   -- 34 . 38..39..39..39..39..37..37..37..37..37..37..37..38..37..37..37..38..38..38..38..38..38..38..38..38..38..39..39..39..39
Chen, Wayne  -- 19 . 19..20..19..19..20..20..20..20..21..20..20..20..19..19..18..18..18..17..16..17..17..17..17..17..16..16..16..16..16..16
Chen, Winnie -- 34 . 34..34..35..35..36..36..36..36..36..36..37..36..37..37..37..36..37..36..37..37..37..37..37..37..37..37..37..37..37..37

Chen, Y. N.  -- 27 . 28..25..25..26..26..26..27..27..27..27..27..27..27..28..28..28..28..28..28..28..28..28..28..29..29..29..30..30..30..30
Chiang, Char -- 28 . 26..26..26..26..26..25..24..24..25..25..26..25..24..24..25..25..25..25..25..25..23..23..23..23..23..23..23..23..24..24
Chu, Charlee -- 29 . 29..29..29..29..29..29..29..29..29..29..29..29..29..29..29..29..29..29..29..29..29..29..29..29..29..29..29..29..29..29
Fan, Yanghsi -- ?? . ........................................................................................................18..18..18..18
Hsu, Chris*  -- 24 . 24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24

Hsu, James   -- 22 . 22..22..23..23..24..23..22..22..21..21..21..22..24..24..22..22..22..22..22..23..23..24..24..24..25..25..24..24..23..23
Kuo, Jack    -- 32 . 28..29..29..30..30..30..30..30..30..30..30..30..30..30..30..30..30..30..31..31..31..32..32..31..31..31..32..32..32..32
Lin, Brent   -- 24 . 20..21..22..22..22..22..21..22..22..22..22..22..21..21..20..19..19..19..19..19..19..19..21..21..21..21..21..21..19..19
Lin, Grace   -- 26 . 26..26..26..26..26..27..27..27..27..27..27..27..27..27..27..27..27..27..27..27..27..27..27..27..27..27..28..28..27..27
Lin, Jerry   -- 29 . 29..29..29..29..29..27..27..27..27..27..26..26..27..27..27..27..27..27..27..27..27..27..27..27..26..26..26..26..25..24

Shih, George -- 13 . 11..11..11..11..13..13..13..13..14..13..13..13..13..14..14..14..14..14..14..14..14..14..14..14..14..14..14..14..14..14
Shore, Jack  -- ** . 15..15..15..15..15..15..15..13..12..12..12..12..10..10..10..10..10..10..10..10..10..11..11..11..11..11..11..11..11..11
Temchin,Jerry-- ** . 24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..24..23..23..23..23..23..23..23..23..23..23..23..23..23..23
Whang, James -- ** . 36..36..36..36..36..36..36..36..36..36..36..36..36..36..36..36..36..36..36..36..36..36..36..36..36..36..36..36..36..36
Wu, Margaret -- 31 . 31..31..31..31..31..31..35..37..34..34..36..36..36..34..34..34..34..34..34..34..35..35..35..35..35..35..35..35..35..35

Yang, Jackson-- 28 . 28..27..27..27..26..26..26..26..26..26..26..26..26..26..26..26..26..26..26..26..26..26..26..26..26..27..27..27..27..27
Yuan, Jason  -- 10 . 12..12..12..12..12..12..12..12..12..12..12..12..12..12..12..13..13..13..13..12..12..12..12..12..12..12..12..12..12..12

* less than 5 scores, use USCGA Index.
** no USCGA Index.
Remarks: Falls Road Lady Tee (Green) scores are not included in the handicap calculation.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hsu75 Posted - 12/05/2004 : 16:18:22

   PAGE 1                                                           Date: 12/11/04

                                 Most Improved Golfer
                                  Index    Index         Net         USGA
   ID#  NAME                     05/01/04 12/11/04   Improvement    Factor
   ---- ------------------------ -------- --------   -----------   --------
   00002 Chen, Wayne               20.4     16.3           4.1      1.1448
   00003 Lin, Brent                23.6     19.2           4.4      1.1410
   00011 Lin, Jerry                29.0     24.4           4.6      1.1263
   00009 Chiang, Charlie           27.6     23.6           4.0      1.1123
   00005 Chen, Jeff                16.2     15.8           0.4      1.0143
   00008 Yang, Jackson             27.0     26.6           0.4      1.0103
   00017 Kuo, Jack                 31.4     32.2          -0.8      .98190
   00012 Lin, Grace                25.9     26.6          -0.7      .98186
   00006 Chen, Lily                37.0     38.5          -1.5      .97029
   00001 Hsu, James                21.6     23.1          -1.5      .95726
   00010 Chen, Yaw-nan             27.1     29.7          -2.6      .93765
   00004 Chen, Winnie              33.9     37.3          -3.4      .93103

jim hsu
brentlin Posted - 09/26/2004 : 18:56:13
The most recent 20 adjusted scores and those selected (marked with a *) for handicap calculations as of 12/11/04:

Name		Index	#1	#2	#3	#4	#5	#6	#7	#8	#9	#10	#11	#12	#13	#14	#15	#16	#17	#18	#19	#20

 Chao, Paul	25.2  	99*	98	86*	106	91*	106	111	98	103	99*	94*	106	102*	98*	105	105	100*	97*	105	96*
 Chen, Jeff	15.8  	93T	87	84*	90	90	85*	92	94	85*	86*	92*	85*	93	91	83*	89	93	86*	86*	80*
 Chen, Lily	38.5  	118T	118	107*	114	120	116	111*	123*	107*	113	104*	101*	118	108*	110*	115	114	110*	124T	108T*
 Chen, Wayne	16.3  	91	82*	92*	87T*	94	84*	89	89	97	87*	95	84*	91	94	100	80*	82*	88	92*	87*
 Chen, Winnie	37.3  	119	109T*	117	113	114	107*	110	111*	102*	112	105*	110	106*	115	109*	112*	117	113	109*	102*

 Chen, Yaw-nan	29.7  	103T*	104	106	98*	113T	105	98*	112	105*	96*	107	110	103	95*	115	98*	90*	111	96*	102*
 Chiang, Charlie23.6  	95*	101*	100	106	94*	89T*	99	100	93*	104T	92*	92*	86*	97	99	97*	100	91*	99	96
 Chu, Charlee	29.2  	110T	100*	100*	102	110T	100T*	106T	103T	106T											
 Fan, Yanghsi	18.0  	106	85*	93	91T	93T*	94T*	97T	92T	89T*	91T	91T*	100T	100T							
 Hsu, Chris	    * 	93																			

 Hsu, James	23.1  	108	93*	106	94*	94*	95*	104	98	93*	103	98	95*	103	89*	97	98T*	97*	106	102	96*
 Kuo, Jack	32.2  	118	107*	110	106T	111	93*	115	109T*	113	114	115	118	113	98*	107*	102*	99*	110*	101*	102*
 Lin, Brent	19.2  	88*	85*	100	90*	88*	89*	92	85*	100	90*	93T	95	95	98	95	90*	96	94*	97	95*
 Lin, Grace	26.6  	94*	93*	99	107	95*	106	100	110T	101T*	94*	103	104	97*	98	104T*	99T*	100T	102T*	106T	104T*
 Lin, Jerry	24.4  	90*	89*	94*	96	93*	95*	96	95	110T	97*	104	107	101	99*	95*	109T	97	111	93*	91*

 Shih, George	14.4  	88T	88	86T*	94	89	88	92*	81*	94T	88*	82*	82*	87	84*	87	84*	98T	86T*	102T	
 Shore, Jack	10.9  	89	91	82*	84*	87	91	95	96												
 Temchin, Jerry	23.2  	94*	97	98	97*	99	99	104	99												
 Whang, James	36.0  	105*	116T	109*	114	119	108*	118	116	123	120										
 Wu, Margaret	34.5  	113*	115	106*	113	102*	106T*	111	104*	109	110	107	108	115T							

 Yang, Jackson	26.6  	108	110T	103	102	102	102*	92*	102	100*	104T	94*	93*	96*	95*	104	100*	104	104T	101T*	103T*
 Yuan, Jason	11.5  	82*	87	96	84	83	78*	85*	82	81*	78*	80*	87	81*	86*	88	81*	83	82*	89	88

T for official USCGA tournament scores.

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