T O P I C R E V I E W |
Hsu75 |
Posted - 04/29/2004 : 07:48:21 We had many informative and interesting talks and discusion at 2/24 luncheon. Unfortunately, there was not enough time to hear them all.
Any Interest to have another gathering in 3 month, 6 month or next year. If you have more talks to share with alumni or other ideas, please login and reply to this topic. Thanks!!!
jim hsu |
1 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
shihshow |
Posted - 04/30/2004 : 20:23:17 各位學長﹐
很抱歉 4/24 因為晚上還有事情﹐ 我和先生就提早離席。 當天玩的很愉快。
各位學長討論的題目都很有價值。 倒是我覺得安排的節目多了些。 如果可以少一點演講者﹐ 會更好些。 一個聚會如果可以在 3個小時內解散是比較好。
最可惜的是我沒吃到蛋糕。 聽說是我才走就吃蛋糕了。 真是不幸。 我就等著吃蛋糕。 芋頭加水果。。。想到就要流口水。
Julie Feng |