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 '07 168 Golf Club
 May 5/6 Tournament at Needwood

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Hsu75 Posted - 04/27/2007 : 12:39:39
Result: White Team Won 11 vs 9

Finally, we are ready for tomorrow’s Tournament. We consolidate all input, and come with the fallowing arrangement (It is not a easy job to please everybody, we try to meet majority’s opinion).

A. Teams

Team “Black” (Please wear darker color shirt)
Captain: Andy
Member:: 1 Geider (11.0), 4 Huang (15.9), 5 Li-Jiang (16.3), 8 Loh (18.7), 9 Brent (21.4), 12 Andy (25.9), 13 Jackson (26.0), 16 Steven(27.8), 17 Whang (28.9), 20 CHL (36.4)

Team “White” (Please wear lighter color shirt)
Captain: Charles(CCC)
Member: 2 Fu (12.4), 3 Wayne (14.7), 6 Kaison (17.1), 7 Gehong (18.5), 10 JD (22.3), 11 Hsu (24.2), 14 CCC (26.6), 15 Suli (27.0), 18 Sophia (31.3), 19 Jeff (34.4)

B. Tee Time

6:32(Blue Tee) Geider & Huang vs Fu & Wayne
6:40(Blue Tee) Li & Loh vs Kaison & Gehong
6:48(White Tee) Brent & Andy vs JD & Hsu
6:56(White Tee) Jackson & Steven vs CCC & Suli
7:04(White Tee) Whang & CHL vs Sophia & Jeff

C. Format (Details See or

The captains name Player A and Player B for each pair.

Each 18-hole is divided into three segments and will be played using different Ryder Cup format:
Holes 1 – 6 use Four-ball format.
Holes 7 – 12 use Foursome format. Players A tee off at tee #7, #9, and #11. Players B the rest.
Holes 13 – 18 use Single-match format. Player A vs Player A, Player B vs Player B.

To accommodate odd number or on shows, A singleton will play 2 balls in Four-ball, as two players in Foursome, and for Single-match, he will play 1 ball to compete with both opponents separately.

Each team may score 0 – 4 points from each group:
one point for the Four-ball (holes 1 - 6),
one point for the Foursome (holes 7 – 12),
two points for the Single-match (holes 13 – 18).

The team with higher accumulated points wins.

D. Award

Lost Team treats winning Team lunch after the match. Details TBD

Andy, Brent, CCC, Hsu, Wayne

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hsu75 Posted - 05/21/2007 : 09:06:51
Tournament Result: White win

White : 1.5 3.0 2.0 3.0 3.5
Black : 2.5 1.0 2.0 1.0 0.5

Winners : Fu, Wayne, Kaison, Gehong, JD, Hsu, CCC, Suli, Jeff, Sopgia.

jim hsu
jack kuo Posted - 05/03/2007 : 19:43:16
Hi, James, I can not play on this Saturday becuse I have go to a wedding.Thank you for the understanding.Jack Kuo
li10240 Posted - 05/02/2007 : 17:09:23
I have a friend of mine who would also like to play on Saturday if it is possible.

Hsu75 Posted - 05/02/2007 : 15:56:58
Both Whang and Charlie sign up thru email for Sat. Whang is #20, and Charlie is on the waiting list, or has to wait for the next Tournament on May 26/27
jloh168 Posted - 05/02/2007 : 13:02:16
Jimmy Loh signs up for the Rider's cup tournament.

gchen4321 Posted - 05/02/2007 : 08:07:42
Geider sign up for Sat. Thanks
Hsu75 Posted - 05/01/2007 : 22:43:39
Jackson signed up Sat with email at 5:24 pm on 5/1. That made CHL the 17th to sign up. I will try to get another tee time tomorrow. We still open for sign up.
li10240 Posted - 05/01/2007 : 22:11:04
I would like to sign up to play on Saturday.

kaisonyen Posted - 05/01/2007 : 19:50:33
Kaison sign up for Saturday.

Hsu75 Posted - 05/01/2007 : 16:15:51
JD sign up for Sat
Hsu75 Posted - 05/01/2007 : 15:02:45
Fu Zhi Wei joins 168, and signs up for Sat
suli Posted - 04/30/2007 : 20:20:11
Please sign up Gehong Wang for Saturday. Thanks,
brentlin Posted - 04/30/2007 : 18:48:23
Brent sign up for playing on Saturday.

Brent Lin ªL¹D¦s
Hsu75 Posted - 04/30/2007 : 13:40:12
Hsu sign up Sat
LiJiang Posted - 04/30/2007 : 13:10:57
Jim Huang and I will play on Sat. Thanks.

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