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 '07 168 Golf Club
 168 June 2/3 Tournament Format

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Hsu75 Posted - 05/08/2007 : 06:56:58
Please reply to this Topic to offer your opinion
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jloh168 Posted - 05/18/2007 : 08:24:51
when is the deadline for signing up the 6/2, 6/3 tournament so that we can know who are the players? Also what course will we play?

jloh168 Posted - 05/12/2007 : 13:48:22
I think this is a good summary. We will just need to finalized the count and we can can select the draft.

suli Posted - 05/08/2007 : 20:03:51
June 2/3 Tournament Format

1. Two captains (Jimmy and Suli) draft for their
teams. They will decide who picks up the first player
by tossing a coin. They then take turns to pick up
players for their teams. For example, if the Black team
captain picks up players first, the sequence would be:
W, B, B, W, W, B, B, W, …
2. The captains submit the paring information before
the game.
2a) The pairing is determined by Club-168 handicap -
the low handicappers play with low handicappers, the
high handicappers plays high handicappers. That is,
the two lowest handicap players will be the first
pair, the next two lowest handicap players will be the
second pair, and so on.
2b). For each pair of players, the captain decides who
is Player A and who is Player B.
3. The tournament consists of both Match-play and
Stroke-play. The handicap is ignored in the
match-play, but is accounted for the stoke-play.
4. There are two Four-ball Match-play segments, the
Front 9 and the Back 9. In each hole, the one with the
least stroke wins the hole (it may be halved if two
players from different team tie).
5. There are also two Stroke-plays throughout the 18
hole, White-A against Black A and White B against
Black B. The net score (gross minus Club-168 handicap)
is used to determine the winner.
6. To summarize, each team may score 0 – 4 points from
each par of players: one point for the Four-ball
Match-play in Front 9, one point for the Four-ball
Match-play in Back 9, and two points for the
7. The team with higher accumulated points wins.
8. Since each player plays the whole 18 hole, the
score can be used to update Club-168 handicap.

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