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 '07 168 Golf Club
 12/1 Season-end Tournament at Falls Rd

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Hsu75 Posted - 11/16/2007 : 21:28:41

 168 12/1 Tournament at Falls Road

A. Line-up
                     White Team              Color Team
Captain               Andy Yang                Suli Ding

Dress Code           Light Color               Mixed Color 

8:20       Geider(11.5),Gehong(18.2)    Fu(8.6), Li Jiang(15.9)

8:28     David Wang(18.4), Andy(24.5)     Brent(20.5), Suli(22.1)

8:36            Hsu(25.4), Zhu(29.9)    Steven(29.7), Jeff Lin(32.1)

8:42     Jack(35.8), Wei(28.6)(If Show Up)         CHL(36.4)

B. Format C. Award

1. 4 Points for each Tee Time.

2. Captains blindly name Player A and Player B for each pair before the game. Player A will play against player A, and Player B will play against player B, using 18 holes net-stroke format. 1 point will be scored for the team of each winner. Single player will be both player A and Player B 

3. Each 18-hole is divided into two segments (Front 9 and Back 9) and each segment will be match play using Ryder Cup Four-ball format. Lowest score win the hole for his/her pair. 1 Point will be scored for each of the two segments for the team of the winner pair. Single player will play one ball against the average of the opponents. (

4. Losing team will treat winning team for lunch after the games, at Falls Road Golf Course. 

C. Award

$100 for the winning team

14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hsu75 Posted - 11/30/2007 : 10:50:46
1. Huang can not play

2. Wei can play, only if there is frost delay
brentlin Posted - 11/30/2007 : 09:20:35
Brent sign up for the tournament.

Brent Lin ªL¹D¦s
gchen4321 Posted - 11/29/2007 : 08:07:09
Please sign me up, Thanks - Geider
Hsu75 Posted - 11/28/2007 : 22:31:37
JWL sign up
Fu07 Posted - 11/27/2007 : 21:05:11
Please sign me up. Zhiwei
andrewyang Posted - 11/27/2007 : 15:08:30
Please sign me up, thanks! -- Andy
LiJiang Posted - 11/26/2007 : 20:25:11
Please sign me up. Thanks
GH05 Posted - 11/26/2007 : 12:34:21
Gehong sign up ,thanks
Steven07 Posted - 11/25/2007 : 00:21:21
Please include me, thanks.
suli Posted - 11/23/2007 : 21:17:44
Please sign up Suli. Thanks,
Hsu75 Posted - 11/23/2007 : 16:15:00
Hsu, Huang, and David sign up
jack.kuo Posted - 11/23/2007 : 12:42:34
Please sign up for thistournment . Thanks JKuo
li10240 Posted - 11/23/2007 : 11:42:11
Please count me in. Thanks. Chih-Hsiang
Zhu07 Posted - 11/21/2007 : 22:04:01
I am in. Thanks

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