168 Club 2008 Plan (4/2/08)
A. 168 宗旨 (依優先順序)
1. 身體健康 心情愉快 Health & Fun – Most important goal
2. 以球會友 相敬相容 Friendship & Respect – Respect and Playing with all members
3. 增進球技 習守規則 Techniques & Rules – More important than winning
4. 公平競爭 獎勵參與 Competition & Challenge – Play more, score more and have fun
B. Format, Schedule, Rules and Regulations
1. Spring Season Fall Season
Apr 5/6 --- Jul 19/20 Aug 2/3 --- Nov 15/16
(16 Weeks) (16 Weeks)
Dinner 07/23/08 Dinner 11/19/08
2. Tournament Weekends
We play specific tournament format Every 3 weeks and the last week of the season:
Apr 19/20, May 10/11, May 31+Jun 1, Jun 21/22, Jul 12/13, Jul 19/20,
Aug 16/17, Sep 6/7, Sep 23/24, Oct 18/19, Nov 8/9, Nov 15/16
3. Non-Tournament Weekends
We play to cumulate points every Non-Tournament weekend. For each weekend, Saturday and
Sunday results are scored together. The better score counts, if a member play both days.
Points are calculated as follows (the more people you beat the higher points you accumulates):
If N players: #1 scores 2*N pts, #2 scores N pts, #3 scores N-2 pts, #4 scores N-3 pts, etc. e. g.
2 Players: 4, 2
3 Players: 6, 3, 1
5 Players: 10, 5, 3, 2, 1
20 Players: 40, 20, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
C. Honor and Awards Per Season
1. Collect $20 per member (Additional $5 for Web site fee), per season.
2. Tournament Weekend Awards: Every tournament, winning team members split the pot.
3. Non-Tournament Weekend Awards (Max 3 awards per member):
a. Season Cum. Points Champions (3, #1, #2, #3)
b. Most #1 Weeks Members (3, #1, #2, #3)
c. Highest Weekly Point Average Member (3, #1, #2, #3; Min 3-Weeks be Eligible)
d. Most-Handicap-Improvement Members (3, #1, #2, #3)
D. Courses, Reservation
Primarily, we will play at the MGC courses. Other courses can be considered, if multiple tee time can be easily reserved.