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 '09 168 Golf Club
 5/23 T2G3 at Needwood

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Hsu75 Posted - 05/18/2009 : 13:09:44
Life is full of surprises, Tournament2 is a good example:

In Game1, 霸王隊 had a stronger line-up, but lost to 逍遙隊 in a surprisingly wide margin 7-13.

Game2 was postponed for 1 week due to 霸王頭 Steven was absent and less than 4霸王 signed up to play. The following week, 霸王頭 Steven was still absent and I wait until Friday 5pm, still only 3 霸王 signed up to play. It appeared that Game2 would be further delayed again. 

In respond to my last call for more 霸王 to play, Our 瘦霸王Paul wrote:

What happened to 霸王隊 ?  Even the team leader is awol! I have an engagement tonight that will last late into the night and was afraid not able to get up so early in the morning. However, I will try to make it tomorrow to support our pathetic team.

壯霸王 CCC decided to add to the support. 逍遙隊 agreed to lend 霸王隊 the other Paul(Zhu) as a 假霸王. In the meantime, 霸王頭 Steven designated 女霸王 Sophia as the team captain. Finally, 霸王隊 had a team of 6 with a 女霸王 as the captain.

Guess what!  On Sat. 霸王隊 beat highly favored 逍遙隊 11.5 to 4.5. With 壯霸王, 假霸王 won 2 point each and 瘦霸王 won 4 points. What an accomplishment for the team!

Now it is your turn to sign up and witness more surprise at:

             Tournament2 Game3 at Needwood
霸王隊 & 逍遙隊 Series Tied at 1 to 1         

7:14 Sam & 3 Friends                         Result

7:22 CCC     20.2       Jen      22.0        3   1
     Andy    22.5       Zhu      22.5

7:30 Brent   21.8       Hsu      26.3        1   3
     Steven  27.4       CHL      30.5
7:38 Canceled
7:46 Canceled

Congratulations to both teams for a hard earned tie of 4 to 4.

 1.  Andy  	 89 - 22.5 = 66.5
 2.  Jerry 	 89 - 22.0 = 67.0
 3.  CHL   	 98 - 30.5 = 67.5
 4.  Brent	 92 - 21.8 = 70.2
 5.  CCC  	 92 - 20.2 = 71.8
 6.  Paul Z	 97 - 22.5 = 74.5
 7.  Hsu   	101 - 26.3 = 74.7
 8.  Steven	107 - 27.4 = 79.6
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
brentlin Posted - 05/22/2009 : 11:28:00
Brent sign up to play.

Brent Lin 狶笵
Zhu07 Posted - 05/22/2009 : 06:47:51
P. Zhu singup
andrewyang Posted - 05/21/2009 : 21:19:12
Andy will play on Saturday.
li10240 Posted - 05/21/2009 : 09:29:40
Chih-Hsiang is signing up for Saturday. Chih-Hsiang
JEN09 Posted - 05/20/2009 : 15:16:03
Jerry Jen will play.
Hsu75 Posted - 05/20/2009 : 12:08:56
Sam & 2 Friends sign up
Hsu75 Posted - 05/20/2009 : 12:08:28
Hsu sign up
Steven07 Posted - 05/18/2009 : 21:55:09
Steven will play

Steven C. Chen
ccc168 Posted - 05/18/2009 : 14:54:06
CCC will play.

Charles C. Chen

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