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 高爾夫球社(Golf Club):徐世杰(
 '09 168 Golf Club
 5/30 T3G1 at Falls Rd

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Hsu75 Posted - 05/26/2009 : 20:21:52

   5/30/09 Tournament 3 Game 1 at Falls Road ( 9 vs 9, 16 Points)


                   Navy                                     Air Force

                   Andy                                          Suli


7:03      A. Huang Jin (14.9)                A. Ding Suli (20.9)

              B. Li Jiang (17.3)                   B.  Lin Brent (21.8)

 7:12      A. CCC (20.2)                        A.  Chang Sam (19.7)
               B. Jen Jerry (21.3)                B.  Hsu James (26.5)


 7:21      A. Yang Andy (22.1)               A.  Jeff Tu (30.2), 
               B. Zhu Paul (22.5)                  B.  Sophia Tong (30.3)


 7:30      A.  Wu David (25.0)                A.   Jackson Yang (29.2)

               B.  Li C. H. (30.2)                 -------------------


7:39       A.  Wei Wei (31.5)                  A.  Cheng Jack (34.6)

              -----------------                B.  Jack Kuo (36.4)                     


Note: Format is as usual for 4-Some (4 Points):

          AA, BB Match Play; AB, BA Stroke Play (1 Point Each)

          However, for 3-Some (2 Points):

          AA, BA (or AA, AB) Stroke Play Only (1 Point Each)

Congratulations to Navy for winning 11.5 to 4.5 (a 7-up).
 1.  Paul Z	 90 - 22.8 = 67.2
 2.  Jerry 	 90 - 21.3 = 68.7
 3.  Wei   	101 - 31.5 = 69.5
 4.  Sam   	 90 - 19.7 = 70.3
5/6. Huang 	 87 - 14.9 = 72.1 - (68.5 - 67.1) = 70.7
     Suli  	 93 - 20.9 = 72.1 - (68.5 - 67.1) = 70.7
 7.  Jeff  	101 - 30.2 = 70.8
 8.  CCC   	 92 - 20.2 = 71.8
 9.  Andy  	 94 - 22.1 = 71.9
10.  Jack C	107 - 34.6 = 72.4
11.  Brent 	 97 - 21.8 = 75.2 - (68.5 - 67.1) = 73.8
12.  Jiang 	 93 - 17.3 = 75.7 - (68.5 - 67.1) = 74.3
13.  Jackson	105 - 29.2 = 75.8
14.  Hsu   	103 - 26.5 = 76.5
15.  CHL   	107 - 30.2 = 76.8
16.  David 	104 - 25.0 = 79.0
17.  Sophia	107 - 30.3 = 76.7 - (63.5 - 67.1) = 80.3
18.  Jack K	119 - 36.4 = 82.6

Men's Black Tee:68.5, Blue Tee: 67.1 Lady's Green Tee:63.5
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ccc168 Posted - 05/29/2009 : 10:11:51
CCC will play on Saturday.

Charles C. Chen
andrewyang Posted - 05/29/2009 : 09:22:05
I think what Li Jiang meant is to play for Suli, and against Andy. He basically challenged me today. So we may trade him for a better player.

By the way, if anyone has a preference to partner with anyone else, or play against someone else in the same foursome, please speak up. We will try to accomodate. The goal is to have as much fun as possible for each one. Hopefully this will boost the turn-out rate in all our games.
LiJiang Posted - 05/29/2009 : 08:37:10
Jim Huang will play on Sat. Thanks.
LiJiang Posted - 05/29/2009 : 08:32:03
I will play on Sat and prefer to against Suli :-). Thanks.
sophia_tong Posted - 05/28/2009 : 07:58:10
Jeff and Sophia will play. Thanks.

Sophia Tong
Zhu07 Posted - 05/27/2009 : 20:13:01
P. Zhu is in
jack08 Posted - 05/27/2009 : 20:08:27
JackC will play
andrewyang Posted - 05/27/2009 : 18:11:32
Andy signs up.

My friend could not make it this time. So I am coming alone.
JEN09 Posted - 05/27/2009 : 17:49:10
Jerry Jen will play this week.
Hsu75 Posted - 05/27/2009 : 16:38:17
Hsu, Sam, Jackson sign up
li10240 Posted - 05/27/2009 : 10:25:34
Please sign me up to play on Saturday. Chih-Hsiang
brentlin Posted - 05/27/2009 : 10:06:12
Brent is in.

Brent Lin 林道存
suli Posted - 05/27/2009 : 09:45:27
Suli is in
Paul Posted - 05/27/2009 : 09:40:03
Paul + one friend will play.

Something unexpected just came up, I am afraid we will not be able to play this Saturday. My apologies to Captain Suli and best luck to the Air Force team.

Wei07 Posted - 05/26/2009 : 22:17:19
wei will play 5/30. Thanks.

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