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 高爾夫球社(Golf Club):徐世杰(
 '09 168 Golf Club
 8/15 Game 1 Falls Road

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Hsu75 Posted - 08/02/2009 : 18:13:05
                  0815 Game 1 Falls Road

         Team S       vs       Team Z             Results
          Suli                  Zhu

6:45  A. Suli 21.2          A. Zhu  21.2          1.5  2.5
      B. Pike 22.3          B. Brent 21.5

7:03  A. Sophia 32.3        A. Wei 27.5            2    0 

         Team A       vs       Team C
          Andy                  CCC

6:54  A. Andy 19.8          -----------           0.5  2.5
      B. Hsu 28.4           B. Pan 24.4 
7:03  B. Jing 31.1          B. Jeff 28.3           2    0 

We had an interesting season opening game at Falls Road:

Pike rescheduled his customer late Friday, came to fight for Team S and made up the 12th player.

Team Z had 5 signed-ups and Captain Zhu generously lend out Sophia and Jing to Team A and Team S to make more balance matches. Suli picked Sophia first and Andy end up with Jing. Both Sophia and Jing fought unselfishly and won 2 points each for the guest Teams.
With Captain CCC sick-out (not serious), team member JD single handed beat Andy and Hsu and scored 2.5 point for Team C.

Cumulative Points:

Team S: 3.5
Team Z: 2.5
Team A: 2.5
Team C: 2.5

How do you compute forfeit points?
 1.  Andy  	 82 - 19.8 = 62.2
 2.  JD Pan	 87 - 24.4 = 62.6
 3.  Paul Z	 85 - 21.2 = 63.8
 4.  Suli  	 89 - 21.2 = 67.8
 5.  Hsu   	 98 - 28.4 = 69.6
 6.  Sophia	 97 - 32.3 = 64.7 - (63.5 - 68.5) = 69.7
 7.  Jing  	100 - 31.1 = 68.9 - (67.1 - 68.5) = 70.3
 8.  Wei   	 97 - 27.5 = 69.5 - (67.1 - 68.5) = 70.9
 9.  Brent 	 96 - 21.5 = 74.5
10.  Pike  	101 - 22.3 = 78.7
11.  Jeff  	107 - 28.3 = 78.7 - (67.1 - 68.5) = 80.1

Men's Black Tee: 68.5, Blue Tee: 67.1; Lady's Green Tee: 63.5
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hsu75 Posted - 08/14/2009 : 17:06:42
Pike sign up
brentlin Posted - 08/13/2009 : 19:14:39
Brent sign up.

Brent Lin 林道存
ccc168 Posted - 08/13/2009 : 18:09:09
CCC signs up. JD has already signed up.

Geider will be out of town; Jackson is recovering.

Jerry, Wayne, Jun, and Jeff - please sign up.

Charles C. Chen
Wei07 Posted - 08/13/2009 : 18:00:04
wei sign up.
Hsu75 Posted - 08/13/2009 : 17:50:10
JD sign up
Hsu75 Posted - 08/13/2009 : 17:47:11
Hsu sign up
Jing07 Posted - 08/13/2009 : 16:16:03
Jing is signning in for Sat. Morning. My nu
mber is 202-5408228, in case want to contact me before the ga
me. Thanksp
sophia_tong Posted - 08/13/2009 : 07:48:31
Jeff and Sophia will play this Saturday. Thanks.

Sophia Tong
suli Posted - 08/12/2009 : 12:16:06
As Andy indicated, we need everyone to join and play to win.
For peoples in my team (WW, LI, Shih, Pike, Paul, Wu, Sophia, Whang), please let meet this Saturday and come up a name for this team.
Looking forward seeing you there.

andrewyang Posted - 08/12/2009 : 07:52:43
We now have 4 teams. For members of the first team (Huang, Yeh, Sam, Su, Tong, Hsu, CHL), please contact me if you are available this Saturday, 08/15! My cell phone is 301-775-0384. You can also send me email from here.

We now have to have 4 players each time. Otherwise, we have to get a sub. If we don't have 4 players, we have to forfeit points. So it is critical to know everyone's availability.

Thanks! -- Andy
Andy - Available
Hsu - Available
Huang - Not Available (Out of country)
Su - Not available.
Tong - Not Avalable
Sam - Not Avalable
CHL - Not Available
Yeh - Not Available

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