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 高爾夫球社(Golf Club):徐世杰(
 '10 168 Golf Club
 10 Spring Awards

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Hsu75 Posted - 07/22/2010 : 15:43:29
168 Spring Award (07/22/10)

1. Point/Handicap Awards (Max 3 awards per member, 1/4 of 1/2 of the Awards Pool for):

     a. Season Cum. Points Champions (3,  #1 $40,  #2 $30,  #3 $20)

          #1 Zhu 87.5     #2 Hsu 77.0     #3 Andy 73.0    #4 Suli 71.0     #5 Brent 62.5

     b. Most #1 Weeks Members (3,  #1 $40,  #2 $20)

          #1 Zhu 3 Weeks    #2 Hsu/andy/Suli 2 Weeks

     c. Highest Weekly Point Average Member (3,  #1 $40,  #2 $30,  #3 $20)
         (Min 3-Weeks be Eligible)

          #1 Paul 45/3 = 15.0    #2 Pike 46/4 = 11.5    #3 Zhu 87.5/9 = 9.7

     d. Most-Handicap-Improvement Members (3, #1 $40,   #2 $30,   #3 $20)

          #1 Brent 22 to 20 = 0.09%   #2 Pike 21.5 to 19.7 = 8.37%   #3 Andy 18 to 16.7 = 7.22% 

2. Monthly Tournament Awards
    (First weekend of the month that has over 12 player participate in the game constitutes the
     Monthly Tournament of the Month. USCGA rule applies)

      a. 04//10 每 Weekend of 04/13/10 at Poolesville, 15 players (3, #1 $40,   #2 $30,   #3 $20)

          #1 Brent, Net 64.0   #2 Zhu, Net 72.1   #3 Suli, Net 72.4

      b. 05//10 每 No game met the required 12 player requirement

      c. 06//10 每 No game met the required 12 player requirement
      d. 07//10 每 Weekend of 07/03/10 at Poolesville, 12 players (3, #1 $40,   #2 $30,   #3 $20)
           #1 Wong, Net 64.0    #2 JD, Net 66.9    #3 Hsu, Net 67.6

3. Participation Awards 每 Paid member without wining any of the above award shares the surplus

   ($10 each)

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