8/21 Sat Laytonsville
Team Andy 11 Team Suli 5
6:34 A. CCC 18.5 2 A. Lau 19.6 0
B. Loh 19.1 2 B. Suli* 20.2 0
6:42 A. Hsu* 26.4 2 A. Wei 24.9 0
B. Lily 30.6 2 B. Sophia 31.4 0
6:50 A. Jian 12.5 0 A. Wayne 16.8 2
B. Andy* 17.2 1 B. Zhu 17.4 1
6:58 A. Jackson*30.9 2 A. Jordan 29.5 1
B. Chiu 36.4 0 B. HLin 36.4 1
2010-08-21 Tournament - Laytonsville
Name Gross Handi. White Net Ranking Point Ind. Pt T. Pt Total PT
Yang, Jackson 91 30.9 60.1 1 32 2 1 3
Loh, Jimmy 81 19.1 61.9 2 16 2 1 3
Chen, Wayne 79 16.8 2 64.2 3 14 2 0 2
Chen, Charles 83 18.5 64.5 4 13 2 1 3
Lin, Henry 102 36.4 65.6 5 12 1 0 1
Lau, Lily 97 30.6 66.4 6 11 2 1 3
Hsu, James 95 26.4 68.6 7 10 2 1 3
Huang, Jordan 99 29.5 69.5 8 9 1 0 1
Ding, Suli 90 20.2 69.8 9 8 0 0 0
Yang, Andrew 91 17.2 73.8 10 7 1 1 2
Chiu, Michael 112 36.4 75.6 11 6 0 1 1
Tong, Sophia 107 31.4 75.6 12 5 0 0 0
Zhu, Paul 93 17.4 75.6 13 4 1 0 1
Wei, Wei 101 24.9 76.1 14 3 0 0 0
Lau, Afred 101 19.6 81.4 15 2 0 0 0
Shi, Jian 94 12.5 81.5 16 1 0 1 1
16 8 24
At Laytonsville, we may play different tee, the adjustment for
Man Blue is 0
Man Black is -3
Man White is +2
Woman Red is 0
Woman White is -4
Example: Those scores are tie...
Man Black 90, Man Blue 87, Man White 85, Woman Red 87, Woman White 91
The first team competition series of the season comes to a dramatic ending. Team CCC comes back from 0-1 behind first week to overtake Team Zhu 2-1 over the weekend, in spite of Zhu flying back last minute to play and trying to save his team from defeat. As a matter of fact, the winner of the series was not decided until the 18 hole on Sunday.
It was an interesting series in the way that playing results are totally opposite to the drafting expectation. Like I always said that individual��s day-to-day golf performance likes the stock market, they are all very difficult to predict.
After 3-weeks of playing, competition heated up. Paul, CCC and CHL tie at 6 points to lead the Team Competition. For individual competition, Jian is the sole leader with 58 points, followed by CCC and Paul tie at 55. It is interesting to note that Jian leads the Individual competition, but only has 4 Team Competition points. Guess Why? He was in the loosing Team. Visit the 168 site to see the details and to see your own points,
Thank for CCC and Zhu being our captains for the first team competition series. Starting the coming weekend, we will have our old friend/rivalry Andy vs Suli as captains for the 2nd team competition series.
Time to sign up Team Andy vs Team Suli