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 '15 168 Golf Club
 10/10 Poolesville

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Hsu75 Posted - 10/04/2015 : 14:12:35


Su, Chun-Lung       80     16.7     63.3     1
Ye, Lily            92     28.3     63.7     2     
Zhu, Paul (Sun)     79     15.1     63.9     3

       Andy(3)       10.5     CCC(6)         6.5

10/10 Sat

7:21 A: SChen(25.2)*    0   A: Zee(23.6)       2
     B: LYe(27.3)       1   B: LLau(28.8)      1

7:30 A: Andy(12.0)*     0   A: Wong(14.5)      1
     B: BYe(16.6)       1   B: Jen(16.8)       2

7:39 A: YGuo(20.3)*   1.5   A: Su(15.9)      0.5
     B: JKe(35.2)       1   B: ----------

10/11 Sun

7:21 A: WW(3.4)       1.5   A: LLau(28.8)      0
     B: Jian(12.9)*   1.5   B: SChen(25.2)#   NC

7:30 A: Andy(12.0)*   1.5   A: Wong(14.5)      0
     B: DD(26.0)      1.5   B: ----------

7:39 A: YGuo(20.3)*    NC   A: JKe(35.2)#     NC
     B: BLiu(22.3)     NC   B: ----------

* Send scorecard to Andy.
# Loaned to the rival team. Not count for team match.
NC - Not count.

Name               Gross Handicap T Adj. Net   Rank  Point  Ind.  Team   Total  Team  Team
                                        Score              Point  Point  point  Andy   CCC
Shi, Jian            83    12.9          70.1    1    30    1.5     1     2.5    1.5      
Yang, Andrew (Sun)   83    12.0          71.0    2    15    1.5     1     2.5    1.5      
Wang, Wayne          77     3.4     2    71.6    3    13    1.5     1     2.5    1.5      
Ding, Denise         98    26.0          72.0    4    12    1.5     1     2.5    1.5      
Ke, Jeffery (Sun)   109    35.2          73.8    5    11     NC                         
Wong, George (Sun    89    14.5          74.5    6    10      0             0            0
Ye, Bily             92    16.6          75.4    7     9      1     1       2      1      
Guo, Yan  (Sat)      96    20.3          75.7    8     8    1.5     1     2.5    1.5      
Su, Chun-Lung        92    15.9          76.1    9     7    0.5           0.5          0.5
Jen, Jerry           93    16.8          76.2   10     6      2             2            2
Liu, Baoren         100    22.3          77.7   11     5     NC                        
Chen, Shihua (Sun)  103    25.2          77.8   12     4     NC                         
Zee, Shaw           104    23.6          80.4   13     3      2             2            2
Ye, Lily            108    27.3          80.7   14     2      1     1       2      1      
Lau, Lily (Sat)     110    28.8          81.2   15     1      1             1            1
Ke, Jeffery (Sat)   111    35.2          75.8   NC            1     1       2      1      
Wong, George (Sat)   91    14.5          76.5   NC            1             1            1
Guo, Yan  (Sun)      98    20.3          77.7   NC           NC                          
Yang, Andrew (Sat)   93    12.0          81.0   NC            0     1       1      0      
Chen, Shihua (Sat)  108    25.2          82.8   NC            0     1       1      0      
Lau, Lily (Sun)     117    28.8          88.2   NC            0     1       1            0  
                                                    Total    17    11      28   10.5   6.5
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
wayne08 Posted - 10/07/2015 : 15:15:17
WW Sun

su07 Posted - 10/06/2015 : 18:14:51
Su Sat AM. Thanks.
LYE12 Posted - 10/06/2015 : 17:00:33
Billy and lily play Sat.
jian10 Posted - 10/06/2015 : 16:17:05
Jian for Sunday. Thx.
DD12 Posted - 10/06/2015 : 15:01:49
Denise sings up for Sunday.
Zou15 Posted - 10/06/2015 : 14:44:10
Alan/Alice for Saturday late time.
guo11 Posted - 10/06/2015 : 13:51:22
yan for both days. thank you.
JKE15 Posted - 10/06/2015 : 13:38:59
JKe signs up for both Saturday and Sunday mornings. Thx!
shua11 Posted - 10/06/2015 : 09:30:23
SChen signs up for both Saturday and Sunday mornings. Thx!
bao11 Posted - 10/06/2015 : 09:20:02
Baoren- Sunday morning. Thx!
JEN09 Posted - 10/06/2015 : 07:34:43
Jerry Jen signs up for Saturday morning. Thanks.
zee10 Posted - 10/05/2015 : 23:41:08
Zee will play Sat AM first tee. Thanks
wong10 Posted - 10/05/2015 : 23:20:57
George Saturday, please. Thank you.
andrewyang Posted - 10/04/2015 : 18:26:24
Andy both days.
Wengang Sunday.
lily10 Posted - 10/04/2015 : 17:22:44
Lily Lau both days. Sat early please.

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