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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Hsu75 Posted - 05/23/2016 : 13:47:03

Tiger List
Ye, Lily            93    23.7           69.3
Chen, Charles       86    16.1           69.9
Ke, Jeffery (Sat)  100    29.5           70.5

6/04 Sat

6:39 A. Ke(28.8)        A. Yan(20.9)
     B. Andy(11.8)*     B. Baoren(23.0)    

6:48 A. Lau(29.7)       A. Zee(23.9) 
     B. SChen(25.6)*    B. OPEN

6:57 A. CCC(15.5)       A. Wei(18.4)*   
     B. CHL(21.3)       B. Su(15.9)

7:06 A. Sun(14.7)*      A. Jian(10.9)   
     B. George(13.7)    B. BYe(15.3) 

7:15 A. LYe(23.0)*      A. Alice(20.1)   
     B. Alan(18.3)      B. OPEN 

06/05 Sun

6:48 A. Ke(28.8)       A. Andy(11.8)*
     B. Yan(20.9)      B. OPEN   

6:57 A. Sun(14.7)      A. Jian(10.9)  
     B. PZhu(13.9)*    B. Baoren(23.0)

7:06 A. Lau(29.7)      A. LYe(23.0)*  


Name              Gross Handicap   Net   Rank  Point   
Zou, Alan           87    18.3     68.7    1    38
Ye, Bily            85    15.3     69.7    2    19
Sun, Steve (Sat)    85    14.7     70.3    3    17
Guo, Yan (Sun)      92    20.9     71.1    4    16
Chen, Charles       87    15.5     71.5    5    15
Zou, Alice          92    20.1     71.9    6    14
Liu, Baoren (Sat)   95    23.0     72.0    7    12.5
Ye, Lily (Sat)      95    23.0     72.0    7    12.5
Wong, George        86    13.7     72.3    9    11
Yang, Andrew (Sat)  85    11.8     73.2   10    10
Wei, Wei            94    18.4     75.6   11     9
Li, Chih-Hsiang     98    21.3     76.7   12     8
Su, Chun-Lung       94    15.9     78.1   13     7
Chen, Shihua       105    25.6     79.4   14     6
Ke, Jeffery (Sat)  109    28.8     80.2   15     5
Lau, Lily (Sat)    110    29.7     80.3   16     4
Shi, Jian (Sat)     93    10.9     82.1   17     2.5
Zhu, Paul           96    13.9     82.1   17     2.5
Zee, Shaw          110    23.9     86.1   19     1
Guo, Yan (Sat)      94    20.9     73.1   NC      
Yang, Andrew (Sun)  86    11.8     74.2   NC      
Liu, Baoren (Sun)   98    23.0     75.0   NC      
Ye, Lily (Sun)      98    23.0     75.0   NC      
Lau, Lily (Sun)    110    29.7     80.3   NC      
Shi, Jian (Sun      94    10.9     83.1   NC      
Sun, Steve (Sun)    98    14.7     83.3   NC      
Ke, Jeffery (Sun)  115    28.8     86.2   NC
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
DD12 Posted - 06/03/2016 : 10:23:42
Denise Sunday please.
ssun11 Posted - 06/03/2016 : 09:46:05
Steve both days, thanks.
li10240 Posted - 06/02/2016 : 21:27:12
Please sign me up for Saturday. Thanks. CHL
jian10 Posted - 06/02/2016 : 18:27:12
Jian for both days. Thx.
bao11 Posted - 06/02/2016 : 14:18:43
Baoren-both day. Thx
LYE12 Posted - 06/02/2016 : 13:08:42
Billy will play on Sat. Lily will play on Sunday.thx!
LYE12 Posted - 06/02/2016 : 09:37:14
Lily ye will play on Sat. Thanks
lily10 Posted - 06/02/2016 : 09:35:58
Lily Lau for both days. Thanks
wong10 Posted - 06/02/2016 : 08:17:49
George Saturday please. Thanks.
shua11 Posted - 06/02/2016 : 07:40:05
SChen both days.
Zhu07 Posted - 06/02/2016 : 07:30:44
Pzhu play Sunday
guo11 Posted - 06/02/2016 : 06:16:26
Yan for both day
zee10 Posted - 06/02/2016 : 00:06:03
Zee sat am
ccc168 Posted - 06/01/2016 : 16:03:56
su07 Posted - 06/01/2016 : 15:56:09
Su Sat AM.

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