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 '16 168 Golf Club
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Hsu75 Posted - 07/05/2016 : 08:26:46


Name              Gross  Handicap   Net 
Liu, Baoren (Sat)    88    19.6     68.4    1   
Shi, Jian (Sun)      81    10.5     70.5    2    
Fu, Zhi-Wei          75     2.3     70.7    3    

7/9 Sat

6:20 A. Andy(12.2)*     A. SChen(24.4)
     B. Zhu(13.3)       B. Baoren(18.9)

6:38 A. Su(16.6)        A. Wei(18.0)*   
     B. Alan(16.3)      B. Alice(18.5)

6:36 A. Fu(2.1)         A. Jian(10.2)
     B. Ke(29.1)        B. Yan(19.8)*

6:44 A. SSun(15.7)      A. Hsu(34.3)*


7/10 Sun

6:20 A. Andy(12.2)*     A. Yan(19.8)
     B. Baoren(18.9)    B. DD(24.4)

6:28 A. CCC(15.5)*      A. Pike(14.7)
     B. CHL(21.8)       B. Jerry(15.6)

6:36 A. Alan(16.3)      A. SChen(24.4)*
     B. Alice(18.5)     B. SSun(15.7)

6:44 A. Fu(2.1)         A. Jian(10.2)  
     B. Ke(29.1)*       B. Wengang(34.3)

6:52 A: Zhu(13.3)       A: Open

Name               Gross Handicap T Adj. Net   Rank  Point  
Ke, Jeffery (Sat)    92    29.1          62.9    1    40
Zou, Alice (Sat)     84    18.5          65.5    2    20
Su, Chun-Lung        83    16.6          66.4    3    18
Liu, Wengang        102    35.5          66.5    4    17
Fu, Zhi-Wei (Sun)    72     2.1    2.5   67.4    5    16
Hsu, James          102    34.3          67.7    6    15
Zhu, Paul (Sun)      81    13.3          67.7    7    14
Shi, Jian (Sat)      78    10.2          67.8    8    13
Guo, Yan (Sat)       88    19.8          68.2    9    12
Jen, Jerry           84    15.6          68.4   10    11
Zou, Alan (Sat)      85    16.3          68.7   11    10
Chen, Shihua (Sat)   94    24.4          69.6   12     9
Yang, Andrew (Sun)   82    12.2          69.8   13     8
Liu, Baoren (Sun)    90    18.9          71.1   14     7
Sun, Steve (Sun)     87    15.7          71.3   15     6
Li, Chih-Hsiang      94    21.8          72.2   16     5
Chen, Charles        89    15.5          73.5   17     4
Ding, Denise        100    24.4          75.6   18     3
Chen, Pike           91    14.7          76.3   19     2
Wei, Wei             95    18.0          77.0   20     1
Zou, Alice (Sun)     86    18.5          67.5   NC     
Fu, Zhi-Wei (Sat)    73     2.1    2.5   68.4   NC     
Ke, Jeffery (Sat)    99    29.1          69.9   NC     
Yang, Andrew (Sat)   84    12.2          71.8   NC     
Shi, Jian (Sun)      83    10.2          72.8   NC     
Sun, Steve (Sat)     89    15.7          73.3   NC     
Zhu, Paul (Sat)      87    13.3          73.7   NC     
Zou, Alan (Sun)      91    16.3          74.7   NC     
Chen, Shihua (Sun)  101    24.4          76.6   NC     
Liu, Baoren (Sat)    96    18.9          77.1   NC     
Guo, Yan (Sun)      100    19.8          80.2   NC  

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ssun11 Posted - 07/08/2016 : 10:41:22
i know i am late, can i still join Sunday in one of the available tee times? Also for Saturday, i would like to play also, if there are other people left out, i can call the course to add a tee time?
su07 Posted - 07/08/2016 : 07:56:26
Su Sat.
li10240 Posted - 07/07/2016 : 23:38:33
Please sign me up for Sunday. CHL
Wei07 Posted - 07/07/2016 : 16:03:28
Wei Sat.
DD12 Posted - 07/07/2016 : 15:38:38
Denise plays on Sunday
JEN09 Posted - 07/07/2016 : 14:59:05
Jerry Jen for Sunday. Same tee time as Pike. Thanks.
ccc168 Posted - 07/07/2016 : 14:33:39
guo11 Posted - 07/06/2016 : 21:05:50
Yan for both days
Pike07 Posted - 07/06/2016 : 21:00:19
Pike Chen Sunday thanks
jian10 Posted - 07/06/2016 : 17:59:28
Jian for both days, prefer same tee time with Fu. Thx.
Zhu07 Posted - 07/06/2016 : 17:46:11
Pzhu play on Saturday. Thx
shua11 Posted - 07/06/2016 : 15:32:37
SChen for both days, thanks.
Zou15 Posted - 07/06/2016 : 06:45:23
Alice/Alan for both days, late tee time, thanks.
bao11 Posted - 07/05/2016 : 19:41:42
Baoren signs on both Saturday and Sunday. Thx!
JKE15 Posted - 07/05/2016 : 17:35:48
JKe and Zhiwei Fu both days, prefer later tee time. Please put us in same tee time.

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