2016 Spring Season Award (07/21/16)
1. Budget: $610
2. Monthly Tournament Awards (First weekend has over 10 players participate)
a. Weekend of 4/9 at Northwest, 11 players (#1 $25, #2 $15, #3 $10)
b. Weekend of 5/7 at Laytonsville, 17 players (#1 $25, #2 $15, #3 $10)
c. Weekend of 6/2 at Poolesville, 19 players (#1 $25, #2 $15, #3 $10)
d. Weekend of 10/15 at Poolesville, 14 players (#1 $25, #2 $15, #3 $10)
2. Monthly Cum Individual Score Awards
a. 4/16(#1 $25, #2 $15, #3 $10)
b. 5/16(#1 $25, #2 $15, #3 $10)
c. 6/16(#1 $25, #2 $15, #3 $10)
d. 7/16(#1 $25, #2 $15, #3 $10)
3. Individual Season Point/Handicap Awards:
a. Season Ind. Cum. Points Champions (#1 $25, #2 $15, #3 $10)
b. Most #1 Weeks Members (#1 $25, #2 $15, #3 $10)
c. Highest Weekly Point Average Member* (#1 $25, #2 $15, #3 $10)
d. Most-Handicap-Improvement Members* (#1 $25, #2 $15, #3 $10)
4. Participation Awards
Dinner attendants without wining any of the above awards share the surplus
5. Tiger Award
Note: a. “*” Min 4-Weeks be Eligible
b. Max 3 awards per member, additional go to surplus