A. Regular Season
1. Based on previous-season-ending-handicap, initial ranking for Regular Season will be decided by the Initial Ranking Tournament(e.g. Apr 2/3) net scores. Later joined member will start from the bottom. Total member is limited to 24.
2. Up to 6 Saturday/Sunday tee times will be reserved weekly and posted on this site no later than the Friday a week before for sign-up.
3. Sign-up closed on Thursday. Teetime and Pairing will be assigned(see '*' below for guideline) and will be posted on this site on Friday. Allow guests and Non-Competing(NC) Ladder member(self claim) if space is available.
4. Based on Ladder handicap index, either stoke-play or match-play format can be used, pair's decision.
5. Report result to Ladder Director ASAP. The winner, if lower-ranked, will be inserted in front of the loser.
6. Ladder handicap index is updated every Monday. All scores, with more than 1 Ladder menber played in a single teetime(incl. both weekdays and weekends), count.
7. Fail to compete in 2 consecutive weekends(excluding ring-out) will automatically drop 1 step in ranking.
B. Play-off
1. Idealistic Pairing Guideline (Will Altered to Accomodate Realistic Situation):
1st Week: All 16 makes 8 Pairs(#1 vs #9; #2 vs #10; .....)
2nd Week: W8 4 Pairs, L8 4 Pairs
3rd Week: WW4 2 Pairs, WL4 2 Pair, LW4 2 Pairs, LL4 2 Pairs
4th Week: WWW2, WWL2, WLW2, WLL2, LWW2, LWL2, LLW2, LLL2
--------: LWWL vs WLWL; WWLL vs LLLW; LLWL vs LWLL; WLLL vs LLLL
6th Week: Reserved for make-up matches
2. In ranking, a later "W" is worth more than a earlier "W", a later "L" is worse than a earlier "L".
3. In case of tied "W/L-sequence", a tie-breaker, 18-hole match, need to be played.
* Teetime/Pairing Assignment Guideline:
a) As close to player's teetime preference as possible
b) Encourage lower half members challenge upper half members.
c) Avoid couple-pairing.
d) Based on the latest Ladder Ranking, pairing assigned according to the following order [#4 vs #2; #3 vs #1], [#4 vs #3; #2 vs #1], [#4 vs #1; #3 vs #2].
e) 3-some decide pairing themselves
Ladder registraion, question, click 'reply to topic' below
jim hsu