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 '07 168 Golf Club
 168 Tournamemt Format May 5/6
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1755 Posts

Posted - 04/30/2007 :  10:09:39  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
------ Club-168¡¯s Customized Ryder Cup Format for Spring 2007 ------

Six players gathered after out first game in this season (04/07) and discussed Club-168¡¯s customized Ryder Cup format over lunch. The attendees include James, Wayne, Brent, CCC, Jack and Andy. Here is the summary of the discussion. Please provide your input.

1. Two captains are elected by players; one for the Red Team and the other for the Blue Team. New captains are elected each month.

2. The captains draft for their teams. They will decide who picks up the first player by tossing a coin. They then take turns to pick up players for their teams. For example, if the Red Team (R) captain picks up players first, the sequence would be: R, B, B, R, R, B, B, R,and so on.

3. The captains submit the paring information before the game. Each group contains two players from each team, Player A and Player B.

4. The handicap is ignored. All players play like scratch golfers (hey, we may reach that level one day).

5. Each 18-hole is divided into three segments and will be played using different Ryder Cup format.
5a) Holes 1 ¨C 6 use Foursome format. Players A tee off at holes #1, #3, and #5. Players B tee off at holes #2, #4, and #6. (Ladies tee off at lady's tee on their turns.)
5b) Holes 7 ¨C 12 use Four-ball format.
5c) Holes 13 ¨C 18 use Single-match format. Two matches are played in each group: Player A (Red) matches Player A (Blue), Player B (Red) matches Player B (Blue).

6. Each team may score 0 ¨C 4 points from each group, one point for the Foursome (holes 1 - 6), one point for the Four-ball (holes 7 ¨C 12), and two points for the Single-match (holes 13 ¨C 18).

7. The team with higher accumulated points wins.

In case you are not familiar with Ryder Cup format, here are some notes::

1). Foursome: Foursomes matches involve two-man teams, with each playing one ball. The players take alternate shots until the hole is completed. The lower of the two scores wins the hole. If the same amounts of shots on both sides are recorded, the hole is halved. One player will hit the tee shot on odd-numbered holes with his team mate teeing off first on the even-numbered holes.

2). Four-ball: Four-ball matches involve two-man teams with each player playing his own ball and completing the hole. The best score of the four wins the hole.

3). In singles matches, the result is decided when one player leads by more holes than there are holes left to play.
4. Team captains submit their order of play before each round of matches to an appointed tournament official. The lists from each captain are then matched, resulting in the pairings.

Here are links to Ryder Cup format:

CCC is also considering the option of changing players every 6 holes. But this may be difficult to achieve on the course during busy weekends.

Please provide your input! Thanks!

Andrew Yang

Edited by - Hsu75 on 05/04/2007 15:04:16


345 Posts

Posted - 04/30/2007 :  11:40:27  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
Andy, excellent format. I think it will work fine. Since there may be some players who can only play on Sunday we may want to combine both Saturday's and Sunday's scores together for the tournament. The losing team will treat the winning team a lunch. We may want to get a small trophy for the winning team's captain to keep as a memroy item.

Charles C. Chen
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1755 Posts

Posted - 04/30/2007 :  13:01:09  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
In order for teams have enough time to discuss and formulat strategies, suggestion for forming Teams and select Captains:

1. Set 5/3 11am as deadline for sign up

2. By 5/3 12am, teams will be form, on the website, by RBBRRBBRR... according to ascending handicap order. Sat and Sun will have 2 separate hadicap lists, and combined R, B two teams.

3. Captians will be elected by team members.

4. To accommondate odd number or on shows, A singleton will play as two players in Foursome, and 2 balls in FourBall. For Single Match, his will play 1 ball to compete with both oponents separately.

Edited by - Hsu75 on 04/30/2007 13:29:32
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1755 Posts

Posted - 04/30/2007 :  15:27:40  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
I suggest to play in the sequence of Four Ball, Foursome, then Single Match. I think it'll be better come off the 1st Tee to have everyone hit every shot.

The situation of the last group short of 2 2-person foursome need to be addressed too.

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1755 Posts

Posted - 04/30/2007 :  15:28:35  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
I am not familiar with this Ryder Cup format. Will this tournament be decided within one 18-hole game? How many players for each team all together? Anyway it sounds fun. One suggestion. Red team wear red shirt and Blue team dress blue.

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345 Posts

Posted - 05/02/2007 :  10:12:07  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
For the first Ryder Cup, I suggest to select two highest POSTING NUMBER (showning in Golf168 website as of 5/2/07) as the tournament TWO CAPTAINS. Each captain will then select their team members based on the participants.

Charles C. Chen
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37 Posts

Posted - 05/04/2007 :  10:53:33  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
Rule 5c:

Can we change to 4 matches within the group:

R1 vs B1 and R1 vs B2
R2 vs B1 and R2 vs B2

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1755 Posts

Posted - 05/04/2007 :  15:36:16  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote

Finally, we are ready for tomorrow’s Tournament. We consolidate all input, and come with the fallowing arrangement (It is not a easy job to please everybody, we try to meet majority’s opinion).

A. Teams

Team “Black” (Please wear darker color shirt)
Captain: Andy
Member:: 1 Geider (11.0), 4 Huang (15.9), 5 Li-Jiang (16.3), 8 Loh (18.7), 9 Brent (21.4), 12 Andy (25.9), 13 Jackson (26.0), 16 Steven(27.8), 17 Whang (28.9), 20 CHL (36.4)

Team “White” (Please wear lighter color shirt)
Captain: Charles(CCC)
Member: 2 Fu (12.4), 3 Wayne (14.7), 6 Kaison (17.1), 7 Gehong (18.5), 10 JD (22.3), 11 Hsu (24.2), 14 CCC (26.6), 15 Suli (27.0), 18 Sophia (31.3), 19 Jeff (34.4)

B. Tee Time

6:32(Blue Tee) Geider & Huang vs Fu & Wayne
6:40(Blue Tee) Li & Loh vs Kaison & Gehong
6:48(White Tee) Brent & Andy vs JD & Hsu
6:56(White Tee) Jackson & Steven vs CCC & Suli
7:04(White Tee) Whang & CHL vs Sophia & Jeff

C. Format (Details See or

The captains name Player A and Player B for each pair.

Each 18-hole is divided into three segments and will be played using different Ryder Cup format:
Holes 1 – 6 use Four-ball format.
Holes 7 – 12 use Foursome format. Players A tee off at tee #7, #9, and #11. Players B the rest.
Holes 13 – 18 use Single-match format. Player A vs Player A, Player B vs Player B.

To accommodate odd number or on shows, A singleton will play 2 balls in Four-ball, as two players in Foursome, and for Single-match, he will play 1 ball to compete with both opponents separately.

Each team may score 0 – 4 points from each group:
one point for the Four-ball (holes 1 - 6),
one point for the Foursome (holes 7 – 12),
two points for the Single-match (holes 13 – 18).

The team with higher accumulated points wins.

D. Award

Lost Team treats winning Team lunch after the match. Details TBD

Andy, Brent, CCC, Hsu, Wayne

Edited by - Hsu75 on 05/04/2007 16:11:27
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