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 '08 168 Golf Club
 8/16 Tournament Hampshire Green
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1755 Posts

Posted - 08/03/2008 :  23:09:13  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
8/16 Sat Hampshire Green

              White Dress Team            Color Dress Team
               Captain: Suli               Captain: Andy

6:30         Brent  21.4                  Paul C  24.7
             Yun 23.0                     CCC 26.4        3	1

6:40         Loh  18.6                    Paul Z  26.7
             Whang  28.4                  Steven  29.8    0	4

6:50         Suli  22.3                   Jackson  28.9
             Jack C  34.16                Jack K  36.4    4	0

7:00         Jorge  24.9                  Andy  22.2      0	2
Final Result: White 7, Color 7

Thanks to Suli and Andy for devising a new tournament format (see below for details) that we used this time. In the old format a twosome team joined forces in match play but compete individually in stroke play; in the new format they joined forces in stroke play, but compete individually in match play. And because all game takes 18 holes, there are more chances for a come-back. We thoroughly enjoyed it.

Tournament Format "0808"

1. Two captains draft their teams. They will decide who picks up the first player by tossing a coin. They then take turns to pick up players for their teams. For example, if the Color team captain picks up players first, the Sequence would be: C, W, W, C, C, W, W, C, C, W ¡­..

2. The captains submit the paring information before the game. The pairing is primarily determined by Club-168 handicap. In general, low handicappers play with low handicappers, and high handicappers plays high handicappers. However, if any club member wants to play with or against specific members, the captain will decide whether the can be accommodated. For each pair of players, the captain decides who the Player A is and who the Player B is.

3. The tournament consists of both Match-play and Stroke-play. The handicap is taken into consideration in both Match-play and Stoke-play.

4. In Match play, player A of the color team plays against player A of the white team, and Play B of the color team plays against player B of the white team. The handicap difference (rounded to the closest integer) is used to determine the number of holes to give? For example, assume the handicap of color player A is 12.5 and the handicap of white player A is 16.6, the difference is rounded to 4 (16.6 - 12.5 = 4.1). Then for each of the four most difficult holes, color player A will give one stroke to white player A. Winner of each Match-play will be awarded one (1) point. Half point (0.5) is awarded to each player in the case of a halved match after 18 holes.

5. In stroke play, total net score of both players is used to determine the winner. The net score is the gross score minus Club 168 handicap, with one digit after the decimal point. For example, assume the net scores of players from white team are 72.5 and 76.4, respectively, with a total of 148.9; and the net scores of players from color team are 73.1 and 74.4, respectively, with a total score of 147.5. The color team wins (147.5 < 148.9). Two points are awarded to the winning team for Stroke-play. One point is awarded to each team in the case of even total scores.

6. To summarize, each team may score 0 - 4 points from each pair of players: one point for the Match-play between players A, one point from Match-play between players B, and two points for the total net score from the stroke-play.

7. The team with higher accumulated points wins.

8. Since each player plays the whole 18 hole, the score is used to update Club-168 handicap.

Edited by - Hsu75 on 08/16/2008 19:02:05


212 Posts

Posted - 08/09/2008 :  16:58:06  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
Brent sign up, earlier teetime please, have a lucheon to go to, Thanks.

Brent Lin ªL¹D¦s
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108 Posts

Posted - 08/11/2008 :  18:07:36  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
Please sign me up for 7:10 tee time on 8/16 at Hampshire Green if possible. Thanks.

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548 Posts

Posted - 08/11/2008 :  20:57:03  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
Andy and Suli, of course, sign up for Saturday.
By the way, if anyone has played on a specific team (either color or white) for the whole spring season (except the last one at Little Bennett), please say so when you sign up. We will then put you in the different team.
------ So far -------
Spring Season White Team: CCC
Spring Season Color Team: Paul Zhu

Edited by - andrewyang on 08/13/2008 07:45:29
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252 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2008 :  13:14:12  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
P Zhu Signup. I played in winning teams the whole season. So put me in a winning team again :)
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345 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2008 :  14:57:05  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
CCC sign up. I have been on white team except at Little Bennett.

Charles C. Chen
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548 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2008 :  17:38:31  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
James: Here is the proposed new tournament rule/format. Please make whatever changes you like and then post it at the top of this thread. Thanks! -Andy
Tournament Format (Please note the changes in Items 4 and 5)

1. Two captains draft their teams. They will decide who picks up the first player by tossing a coin. They then take turns to pick up players for their teams. For example, if the Color team captain picks up players first, the Sequence would be: C, W, W, C, C, W, W, C, C, W, …

2. The captains submit the paring information before the game. The pairing is primarily determined by Club-168 handicap. In general, low handicappers play with low handicappers, and high handicappers plays high handicappers. However, if any club member wants to play with or against specific members, the request shall be accommodated. For each pair of players, the captain decides who the Player A is and who the Player B is.

3. The tournament consists of both Match-play and Stroke-play. The handicap is taken into consideration in both Match-play and Stoke-play.

4. In Match play, player A of the color team plays against player A of the white team, and Play B of the color team plays against player B of the white team. The handicap difference (rounded to an integer) is used to determine the number of holes to “give”. For example, assume the handicap of color player A is 12.5 and the handicap of white player A is 16.6, the difference is rounded to 4 (16.6 – 12.5 = 4.1). Then for each of the four most difficult holes, color player A will give one stroke to white player A. Winner of each Match-play will be awarded one (1) point. Half point (0.5) is awarded to each player in the case of a halved match after 18 holes.

5. Total net score of both players is used to determine the Stoke-play winner. The net score is the gross score minus Club 168 handicap, with one digit after the decimal point. For example, assume the net scores of players from white team are 72.5 and 76.4, respectively, with a total of 148.9; and the net scores of players from color team are 73.1 and 74.4, respectively, with a total score of 147.5. The color team wins (147.5 < 148.9). Two points are awarded to the winning team for Stroke-play.

6. To summarize, each team may score 0 – 4 points from each pair of players: one point for the Match-play between players A, one point from Match-play between players B, and two points for the total net score from the stroke-play.

7. The team with higher accumulated points wins.

8. Since each player plays the whole 18 hole, the score is used to update Club-168 handicap.

Edited by - andrewyang on 08/12/2008 21:27:08
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Posted - 08/12/2008 :  20:36:04  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
Please sign me up for either 6:30 or 6:40.
Jack C
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1755 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2008 :  09:20:00  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
Hsu, Whang, Jun, Jorge, Loh, PaulC Sign up

Edited by - Hsu75 on 08/15/2008 13:02:44
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40 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2008 :  09:48:22  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
James, Please sign me up for Saturday play. Thanks.

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42 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2008 :  18:47:30  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
Jack likes tojoins on Sarurday.Thanks.JK
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56 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2008 :  21:53:09  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
please sign me up for Saturday, the later the better.

Steven C. Chen
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