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 高爾夫球社(Golf Club):徐世杰(
 '09 168 Golf Club
 5/2 Sat USCGA Tournament at Red Gate
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1755 Posts

Posted - 04/14/2009 :  07:17:23  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
The tournament will be held at the Red Gate Golf Course in Rockville, MD on Saturday, May 2, 2009. We will have a shotgun start at 7:30am. The cost is $75 per person if your pay the full amount before April 26. The cost will be $80 per person if you pay after April 26. All entry fee includes lunch. We will have a BBQ cookout at the end of the tournament. You will not be able to use your Red Gate frequent player card for this tournament. You can register for the tournament by clicking on the link below.

For further information, please go to our website

The registration deadline is Tuesday, April 28, 2009. Please register as soon as possible. Late registration may not be accepted. We are in the process of calculating our 2009 USCGA handicap. I will send out an updated email in the coming week.


Jimmy Loh
USCGA Tournament Director
(301) 315-6038


212 Posts

Posted - 05/02/2009 :  16:21:23  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
168 was well represented by 20 players at the USCGA 2009 Spring Tournament held on May 2nd, 2009 at the Redgate Municipal Golf Course in Rockville Maryland.

Congratulations to the following players for placed in the tournament:

Zhi-wei Fu, Co-champion of the lowest gross score
Wayne Wang, 3rd place Net Division A
Suli Ding, 1st place Net Division B
Jim Huang, 5th place Net Division B
Jimmy Loh, 6th place Net Division B
Paul Zhu, 6th place Net Division C
Wayne Chen, 2nd place Net Senior Division
Chih-Hsiang Li, 3rd place Net Senior Division
Wei Wei, 4th place Net Senior Division
Sam Chang, 5th place Net Senior Division

168 weekly finishes:
 1.  Suli  	 91 - 21.7 = 69.3 - (69.5 - 67.5) = 67.3
 2.  CHL   	101 - 31.4 =                        69.6
 3.  Wei  	102 - 31.5 =                        70.5
 4.  Wayne,C	 86 - 15.0 =                        71.0
 5.  Wayne,W	 86 - 11.4 = 74.6 - (70.9 - 67.5) = 71.2
6/7. Fu    	 81 -  6.3 = 74.7 - (70.9 - 67.5) = 71.3
     Loh   	 92 - 18.7 = 73.3 - (69.5 - 67.5) = 71.3
 8.  Pike  	 96 - 22.3 = 73.7 - (69.5 - 67.5) = 71.7
 9.  Huang 	 89 - 14.8 = 74.2 - (69.5 - 67.5) = 72.2
10.  JD Pan	 97 - 24.7 =                        72.3
11.  Sam   	 93 - 19.0 =                        74.0
12.  Bing  	 94 - 17.9 = 76.1 - (69.5 - 67.5) = 74.1
13.  Brent 	 95 - 20.7 =                        74.3
14.  Paul C	102 - 27.2 =                        74.8
15.  Tong  	109 - 31.1 = 77.9 - (70.2 - 67.5) = 75.2
16.  Paul Z	101 - 22.3 = 78.7 - (69.5 - 67.5) = 76.7
17.  CCC   	 98 - 20.9 =                        77.1
18.  Whang 	110 - 29.3 =                        80.7
19.  Tu    	113 - 30.2 = 82.8 - (69.5 - 67.5) = 80.8
20.  Shi   	109 - 22.5 = 86.5 - (69.5 - 67.5) = 84.5
Men's Black Tee:70.9, Gold Tee:69.5, White Tee:67.5; Lady Red Tee:70.2

Brent Lin 林道存
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