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The reason I think this is a pretty good document is that if you pay attention, it really contains a lot of 國學與歷史的訓息. Taking the first sentence "宇 上下四方 宙 往古來今", also page 5 "大禹傳子家天下" 是夏朝開始世襲家天下的 also page11, 力拒楊墨尊雅聖 page12 是孟子說的: 楊朱(道家)為我是無君 墨翟(墨家)兼愛是無父 無父無君是禽獸 (楊朱: 拔一毛以利天下而不為 墨翟:摩頂放踵(磨破頭 走破腳) 以利天下)
a lot of 國學的資料 夠廣也不流於空泛. I enjoy it a lot. Hope you do too.