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 高爾夫球社(Golf Club):徐世杰(
 '09 168 Golf Club
 09 Fall Tournament Format
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1755 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2009 :  21:31:44  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote

                     Fall 09 Tournament Format 

1. The tournament starts on 8/15 till 11/14 (14 Weeks)
2. Regular 168 members divided into 4 teams with comparable handicap average
3. 4 teams Round-Robin by pre-set schedule, score points by n-some-n-points rule
4. To balance players and strength, may need to lend/borrow player among teams
5. Cum points at end of season, splitting the Tournament Pot 50%, 30%, 20%, 0%  
    (Welcome suggestions, rules to evolve to gain higher participation)  

Team        A           C            S               Z 
Captain   Andy         CCC          Suli            Zhu
       Huang 15.0   Geider 12.1    WW 11.3        Fu   6.2

       Yeh   15.1   Wayne  15.7    Li 17.3       Bing 17.9 

       Sam   19.9    Jen   19.8   Shih 19.7       Loh  19.1 

      Andy   19.8    CCC   20.9   Suli 21.2       Zhu  21.2 

        Su   22.9    Jun   22.5   Pike 22.3      Brent 21.5

      Tong   23.9    Pan   24.4   Paul 24.5     Steven 27.4 

       Hsu   28.4   Jeff   28.3     Wu 27.8        Wei 27.5

       CHL   30.2  Jackson 30.3  Whang 30.3       Jing 31.1 

       ---            ---        JackC 34.6     Sophia 32.3


 1. 08/15 AC,SZ    2. 08/22 AS,CZ    3. 08/29 AZ,CS
 4. 09/05 AC,SZ    5. 09/12 AS,CZ    6. 08/19 AZ,CS
 7. 09/26 AC,SZ    8. 10/03 AS,CZ    9. 10/10 AZ,CS
10. 10/17 AC,SZ   11. 10/24 AS,CZ   12. 10/31 AZ,CS
13. 11/07 AC,SZ   14. 11/14 AS,CZ            

Edited by - Hsu75 on 08/14/2009 18:39:05


1755 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2009 :  14:52:02  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
here is the rules I would like to propose. Please take a look and make whatever changes you want to make.
1). Four teams are formed; each team consist of 8 to 9 players. These four teams will compete in a round-robin on every weekend. The match format is the same as we have used so far.

2). Four (4) players from each team are expected to play in each match. Each team captain will submit its line-up (player name and current handicap) to the captain of the opposing team prior to the beginning of the game. The lowest handicap indexed player shall play in the number 1 position; the next lowest handicap indexed player shall play in the number 2 position, etc. The number 1 and 2 players shall play in one foursome while the number 3 and 4 players shall play in the other foursome.

3). In case a team does not have 4 players, its captain should try to solicit substitute players within Club 168. If no substitute can be found, the team must forfeit a match. In the event that a team is required to forfeit a match, the team captain of the forfeiting team shall forfeit the fourth position, then the third, etc.

4). Zero to four points can be obtained by a team in each match (see format in Club 168 web site). The cumulative points earned by all teams are used to determine season champion. In the event that a team is required to forfeit a match, the point for the missing player will be given to the opposition team. For example, if Team A has only 3 players against Team B with 4 players, there will be only 1 player in the second foursome (see Item 2 for forfeit order). Team A can only earn 2 points maximum in that foursome: 1 for match-play between A-No.3 and B-No.3, and another for stroke play between A-No.3 and B-No.4. Team B will earn minimum of 2 points (because of A is missing a player) and maximum of 4 points. In the event that Team A misses 2 players, the second foursome is not needed and Team B will be awarded 4 points.

5). If one or more players are expected but have not arrived by the start of the match players should begin the match in their originally scheduled slots. If permitted by the Starter, a player can catch up and contest the holes that have not been played for match play purposes, but will lose the point for stroke play. If the player is not allowed by the starter to catch up, or the player does not show up at all, the match will be forfeited (see Item 4) and 2 points will be awarded to the opposition team because of the forfeit.
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1755 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2009 :  14:57:32  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
We now have 4 teams. For members of the first team (Huang, Yeh, Sam, Su, Tong, Hsu, CHL), please contact me if you are available this Saturday, 08/15! My cell phone is 301-775-0384. You can also send me email from here.

We now have to have 4 players each time. Otherwise, we have to get a sub. If we don't have 4 players, we have to forfeit points. So it is critical to know everyone's availability.

Thanks! -- Andy
Andy - Available
Hsu - Available
Huang - Not Available (Out of country)
Su - Not available.
Tong - Not Avalable
Sam - Not Avalable
CHL - Not Available
Yeh - ???
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1755 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2009 :  14:59:26  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
As Andy indicated, we need everyone to join and play to win.
For peoples in my team (WW, LI, Shih, Pike, Paul, Wu, Sophia, Whang), please let meet this Saturday and come up a name for this team.
Looking forward seeing you there.

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548 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2009 :  16:02:25  Show Profile  Email Poster  Reply with Quote
My original rule suggestions did not cover the scenario that both team miss players. For example, if both Team A and Team B have only 3 players, each team forfeits 2 points; so each can receive maximum 6 points (and minimum 0 point) for the team in a given match. Again, we could use the old format: 1 player in Team A compete against 2 players in Team B, with maximum of 3 point from this three-some. In another three-some, 2 players from Team A compete agains 1 player from Team B.
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