Game 2 was canceled due to unexpected heavy rain Sat. morning. 7 die-hard members enjoyed Sr. Coffee at McDonalds while waiting for the sun to come out. There was only 1 hour delay, and we all finished the 18 holes well before noon.
0822 Game2 Needwood
Team A vs S
Captain Andy Suli
6:24 A. Hsu A. Jorge
B. --- B. Whang
6:42 A. Su A. Suli
B. CHL B. ----
Team C vs Z
Captain CCC Zhu
6:33 A. Jen A. Zhu
B. CCC B. Brent
6:51 A. JD A. Steven
B. Jeff B. Sophia
Team Captain Suli pays special respect to his team member James Whang. James reported to duty when his team needed him. As a matter of fact, James is the first and only member of Suli*s team to sign up voluntarily in 2 weeks.
1. Hsu 92 - 28.2 = 63.8
2. Paul Z 87 - 20.2 = 66.8
3. Suli 91 - 20.7 = 70.3
4. Su 94 - 22.9 = 71.1
5. Brent 93 - 21.6 = 71.4
6. CHL 102 - 30.2 = 71.8