Triple Competition Playing Format - 2010 Fall Season
Members will simultaneously play the traditional Individual Competition, monthly Tournament Competition, as well as the modified Team Competition. Your Team Competition points and your Individual Competition points will be individually and separately tracked and published on this site. This season*s award will be 30/40/30 allocated to the 3 Competitions. If you think it is too complicated, just play the game and keep the scores. We will take care of the rest.
1. Individual Competition (Traditional)
Cumulate Individual Competition points every weekend for the whole season. . For each weekend, Saturday and Sunday ※Net§ scores are ranked together. The better score counts, if a member play both days. Points are calculated as follows (the more people you beat the higher points you accumulates): N players: #1 scores 2*N pts, #2 scores N pts, #3 scores N-2 pts, #4 scores N-3 pts, etc. e. g. 2 Players: 4, 2 5 Players: 10, 5, 3, 2, 1 20 Players: 40, 20, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
2. Tournament Competition (Monthly)
First weekend of the month that has over 12 player participate in the game constitutes the Tournament Competition of the month. USCGA rule applies.
3. Team Competition (Modified from 2008 Format)
Cumulate individual Team Competition point every weekend for the whole season. For each weekend, Saturday and Sunday scores are competed together.
1. Two captains (rotates every two wins) draft their teams from the handicap-ranked, signed-up members list at 12 noon, Friday. They will decide who picks up the first player. They then take turns to pick players for their teams. For example, if the Color team captain picks up players first, the Sequence would be: C, W, W, C, C, W, W, #..
2. The captains submit the paring information before the game. The pairing is primarily determined by Club-168 handicap. For each pair of players, the captain decides who the Player A is and who the Player B is.
3. The tournament consists of both Match-Play and Stroke-Play. The handicap is taken into consideration in both Match-Play and Stoke-Play.
4. In Match-Play, player A of the color team plays against player A of the white team, and Play B of the color team plays against player B of the white team. The handicap difference (rounded to the closest integer) is used to determine the number of holes to give. For example, assume the handicap of color player A is 12.5 and the handicap of white player A is 16.6, the difference is rounded to 4 (16.6 - 12.5 = 4.1). Then for each of the four most difficult holes, color player A will give one stroke to white player A. Winner of each Match-play will be awarded one (1) point. Half point (0.5) is awarded to each player in the case of a halved match after 18 holes.
5. In Stroke-Play, player A of the color team plays against player B of the white team, and Play B of the color team plays against player A of the white team. The net score is the gross score minus Club 168 handicap, with one digit after the decimal point. Winner of each Stroke-Play will be awarded one (1) point. Half point (0.5) is awarded to each player in the case of tied net scores.
6. To summarize, each team may score 0 - 4 points from each pair of players. The team with higher accumulated points wins.
7. The individual Team Competition point is the point you win in Match-Play and Stroke-Play (0 -2) plus 1 point, if you are on the winning team.