Comparing to Spring 2013, this Fall 2013 Tournament is a much easier win for 168. 168 won a decisive battle 17 -7. Nevertheless, it was a really exciting afternoon, as each pairing turned in their impressive score cards. Every 168er contributed to the victory. Let me highlight the full 2-piont winners and 0-point outstanding contributors:
As usual, Fu (74 Gross, 72 Net, 2 Point) & WW (77, 73, 2) left MaiZhu #26395;#22645;#33707;#21450;
Wong (#32769;#24291;, #39321;#28207;#31532;#19968;#29983;#29467;#40845;#34662;, 83, 69, 2) & JX (86, 72, 2) stunned MaiZhu with front-9 37 & back-9 38 respectively
Su (#40845;#21733;, #21488;#28771;#31532;#19977;#21191;#22763;, 91, 72, 2) scored back-9 43 to #38570;#21213;#34920;#29694;#26997;#20339;#30340;#20841;#20301;#26757;#31481;#23565;#25163;
BLiu (88, 65, 2) & Lye(94, 67, 2) was the amazing lowest net score of the day, #24062;#24151;#19981;#35731;#39706;#30473;, #26356;#35731;#26757;#31481;#35738;#19981;#32085;#21475;
Andy (90, 77, 0) played for #26757;#31481;, but heart was with 168, #33253;#24213;#25918;#27700;#24314;#21151;
CY (#36557;#28779;#22823;#29579;, 85, 77, 0) drove 6 hrs to play for 168. At dinner, #19968;#31840;#23567;#31840;#28271;#21253;#19979;#32922;, #21475;#33509;#25080;#27827;, #27085;#26800;#35611;#24231;.#31934;#24425;#20043;#26997;, AK, 45, 90, #24038;#36650;, #25955;#24392;, license, Gun Show...... #28961;#25152;#19981;#26313;, #26377;#21839;#24517;#31572;, #36899;#29275;#32905;#40629;#37117;#28961;#26247;#20139;#21463;, #35731;#26757;#31481;#30526;#29983;#20329;#26381;#24471;#20116;#39636;#25237;#22320;.
#26757;#31481; lost the Tournament again, but really had fun on/off the course. #22871;#29992;#20182;#20497;#30340;#35441; “Twice a year is not enough, we should have this tournament more often”. “Fine,” I told them “it is 168 member's prerogative how often we want to play with them.” You all have word to express your opinion.
I think they caught on 168's spirit to take things positively. We play golf, nothing else, just for our health and to have fun together.
2013 Fall 168 vs Meizhu
Northwest 09/22/13
Club 168 17 Mei-Zhu 7
12:00 A: Fu(0.3) 2 Sha Guo(10.3) 0
B: WW(2.8) 2 Heikwan Cheng(10.5) 0
12:10 A: CY(7.5) 0 Xiaojiang Ju(10.5) 2
B: Jian(10.5) 0.5 Bing Liu(12.4) 1.5
12:20 A: Wong(13.9) 2 Jack Li(12.4) 0
B: JX(13.9) 2 Andy Yang(12.7) 0
12:30 A: BYe(14.3) 1 Xiaokuei Yu(14.3) 2
B: Jen(17.9) 1 Huailin Chen(15.4) 0
12:40 A: SSun(18.2) 0.5 Jim Chen(16.5) 0.5
B: Su(19.0) 2 Xiaobing Yi(16.8) 1
12:50 A: BLiu(23.1) 2 Kennith Qiu(18.9) 0
B: LYe(26.8) 2 Zen Wang(22.6) 0
First 3 groups play from blue tee. Next 3 groups play from white tee.