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 '07 168 Golf Club
 Some People Short-counted in USCGA Tournament

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Zhu07 Posted - 09/17/2007 : 19:02:28
In the PD Dye tournament, I knew someone in my group short-counted. When I talked to another person, he said someone in his group did the same. Both persons got awards because of the low scores from short counting.

They did not count penalties during the game

I felt very uncomfortable and did not want to confront during the game.

I am glad all of us in the 168-club have integrity.

Tournament organizers need find ways to enforce the rule:

Designate first and secondary rule enforcer and score keepers.
Reiterate rules before the tournament.

I feel compelled to talk about it, otherwise this tournament will become meaningless very soon.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jloh168 Posted - 09/19/2007 : 11:08:26
Here is the response from the CEO of the USCGA, Wei-Po Liao


First of all, I’d like to thank you for reporting this issue. This has been an issue for a long time and we have been stressing the rules for a while. It doesn’t take much to ruin integrity, doesn’t it?

We’ll continue our efforts on rule education and integrity. Having two signed score cards, it’s the main reason for this issue. It provides the opportunity to discuss the dispute. When one card was showing 5 and another card was showing 6, it allows us to go through the hole shot by shot with all four players together. USGA also has a rule to DQ a player when the player attests their opponent’s scorecard on which your opponent has wrong scores. To protect ourselves not to be DQed, it’s our responsibility to make sure our opponent has right scores on their scorecards. Don’t sign the scorecard and bring them to Jimmy or me. We will help your group bring the memory back.

Next time before the tournament, I’ll also share several tips with everyone in terms of how we can politely “double checking” each other’s scores. One of them is: You can pretend you did not hear him clearly and just want to double check. “xxx, did you have 6 or 7 for last hole,” even you heard him said 5 when you left last hole. If you think his score should be 6 not 5. Don’t ask him if it 5 or 6, which will provide him another chance to say 5. I hope this will help everyone to go through the score discussion comfortably.

We will definitely consider your suggestion to have designated score keepers and don’t let those suspects touch scorecards. Thank you again for your report.

Zhu07 Posted - 09/18/2007 : 15:04:53
The third suggestion: each pair can start a match game with mutual agreed price per hole. This will get them watch out for each other's score.

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