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 高爾夫球社(Golf Club):徐世杰(
 '08 168 Golf Club
 11 1/2 at Needwood

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Hsu75 Posted - 10/27/2008 : 17:23:36
11/1 Sat Needwood

8:00 Whang, Hsu, Jing
8:10 Andy, Suli, Zhu
8:40 Wayne, Wei, Bing, David
8:50 Steven, Mitchell, Jerry, Keesy Bruggen

11/2 Sun Needwood

1:00 To be canceled

 1.  Paul Z	 91 - 23.2 = 67.8 - (69.1 - 67.6) = 66.3
 2.  Wayne C	 85 - 15.3 = 69.7
 3.  Wei	106 - 31.4 = 74.6 - (69.1 - 67.6) = 73.1
 4.  Hsu	100 - 26.4 = 73.6
 5.  Whang	105 - 29.1 = 75.6
 6.  Rao	 95 - 17.1 = 77.9 - (69.1 - 67.6) = 76.4
 7.  Suli	102 - 21.6 = 80.4 - (69.1 - 67.6) = 78.9
 8.  Jing	112 - 30.6 = 81.4
 9.  Andy	111 - 22.4 = 88.6 - (69.1 - 67.6) = 87.1
10.  David	113 - 23.6 = 89.4 - (69.1 - 67.6) = 87.9
Men's Blue Tee:69.1, White Tee:67.6
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jack kuo Posted - 10/31/2008 : 16:26:50
James, I can not get a ride tomorrow. I have to cancel tomorro. Sorry for this . Jack Kuo
jack kuo Posted - 10/31/2008 : 09:06:02
Jack signs up for Saturday. Thanks. JKuo
Steven07 Posted - 10/30/2008 : 19:55:57
Steven and 2 guests (Jerry Hung and Mitchell Chen) will play on Saturday. As late as possible. Thanks

Steven C. Chen
Jing07 Posted - 10/30/2008 : 15:06:36
Jing Wang Sign Up for Sat. anytime, thanks
brentlin Posted - 10/29/2008 : 10:03:26
Brent sign up for Saturday playing.

Brent Lin 林道存
bing08 Posted - 10/29/2008 : 09:05:33
Please sigh me up for Saturday morning later tee times will be good. Thanks
Wei07 Posted - 10/28/2008 : 23:19:12
wei signup for Sat. prefer late tee.
suli Posted - 10/28/2008 : 21:46:52
Please sign up Suli for Saturday. Thanks,
andrewyang Posted - 10/28/2008 : 15:46:52
Andy signs up for saturday. Prefer early T time, but flexible.
chen77 Posted - 10/28/2008 : 09:40:42
Wayne Chen will play Saturday
Zhu07 Posted - 10/27/2008 : 21:48:51
P. Zhu signup for Sat.
Hsu75 Posted - 10/27/2008 : 20:31:46
Hsu, Whang sign up Sat earliest tee

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