168 Club 2008 Plan (4/2/08)
A. 168 ×ÚÖ¼ (ÒÀƒžÏÈí˜Ðò)
1. Éíów½¡¿µ ÐÄÇéÓä¿ì Health & Fun ¨C Most important goal
2. ÒÔÇò•þÓÑ ÏྴÏàÈÝ Friendship & Respect ¨C Respect and Playing with all members
3. ÔößMÇò¼¼ Á•ÊØÒŽ„t Techniques & Rules ¨C More important than winning
4. ¹«Æ½¸‚ Ž ª„„î…¢Åc Competition & Challenge ¨C Play more, score more and have fun
B. Format, Schedule, Rules and Regulations
1. Spring Season Fall Season
Apr 5/6 --- Jul 19/20 Aug 2/3 --- Nov 15/16
(16 Weeks) (16 Weeks)
Dinner 07/23/08 Dinner 11/19/08
2. Tournament Weekends
Every 3 weeks and the last week of the season, we play specific tournament format, details to be announced before the game:
Apr 19/20, May 10/11, May 31+Jun 1, Jun 21/22, Jul 12/13, Jul 19/20,
Aug 16/17, Sep 6/7, Sep 23/24, Oct 18/19, Nov 8/9, Nov 15/16
3. Non-Tournament Weekends
We play to win and to cumulate points every Non-Tournament weekend. For each weekend, Saturday and Sunday results are scored
together. The better score counts if a member play both days.
Points are calculated as follows(the more people you beat the higher points you accumulates):
If N players: #1 scores 2*N pts, #2 scores N pts, #3 scores N-2 pts, #4 scores N-3 pts, etc. e. g.
2 Players: 4, 2
3 Players: 6, 3, 1
4 Players: 8, 4, 2, 1
5 Players: 10, 5, 3, 2, 1
16 Players: 32, 16, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
20 Players: 40, 20, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
C. Honor and Awards Per Season
1. Collect $20 per member (Additional $5 for Web site fee), per season.
2. Non-Tournament Weekend Awards (Max 3 awards per member):
a. Season Cum. Points Champions (3, #1, #2, #3)
b. Most #1 Weeks Members (3, #1, #2, #3)
c. Highest Weekly Point-Average Member (3, #1, #2, #3; Min 3-Weeks be Eligible)
c. Most-Handicap-Improvement Members (3, #1, #2, #3)
3. Tournament Weekend Awards: Every tournament,winning team members split the pot.
D. Courses, Reservation
Primarily, we will play at the MGC courses. Other courses can be considered, if multiple tee time can be easily reserved.