Tournament Format "1008"
1. Two captains draft their teams. They will decide who picks up the first player by tossing a coin. They then take turns to pick up players for their teams. For example, if the Color team captain picks up players first, the Sequence would be: C, W, W, C, C, W, W, C, C, W #..
2. The captains submit the paring information before the game. The pairing is primarily determined by Club-168 handicap. For each pair of players, the captain decides who the Player A is and who the Player B is.
3. The tournament consists of both Match-play and Stroke-play. The handicap is taken into consideration in both Match-play and Stoke-play.
4. In Match-play, player A of the color team plays against player A of the white team, and Play B of the color team plays against player B of the white team. The handicap difference (rounded to the closest integer) is used to determine the number of holes to give. For example, assume the handicap of color player A is 12.5 and the handicap of white player A is 16.6, the difference is rounded to 4 (16.6 - 12.5 = 4.1). Then for each of the four most difficult holes, color player A will give one stroke to white player A. Winner of each Match-play will be awarded one (1) point. Half point (0.5) is awarded to each player in the case of a halved match after 18 holes.
5. In stroke-play, player A of the color team plays against player B of the white team, and Play B of the color team plays against player A of the white team. The net score is the gross score minus Club 168 handicap, with one digit after the decimal point. Winner of each Stroke-play will be awarded one (1) point. Half point (0.5) is awarded to each player in the case of tied net scores. 6. To summarize, each team may score 0 - 4 points from each pair of players. The team with higher accumulated points wins.
7. Since each player plays the whole 18 hole, the score is used to update Club-168 handicap.